...could talk about the weather...b-o-r-e-i-n-g-...nice weather followed by very cold ...in Jan. the bulbs began to pop up through the ground...
my new friend...London...
London is the daughter of Christina, the young woman who works at Barbs shop as the massage therapist..she works by appt. only and is just getting back on the job after taking her "baby" leave...I've been keeping the little one some...'bout once a week..a couple of hours...Good therapy for my soul...
she is now 8 months old!!! weighs about 7 lbs...and is just about at her maximum size ..I think... As feisty and loving as ever !!!...very sweet - loves to be outside when the kids are here after school on Barbs days-off..
I let her go outside early am...at dawn and at dusk...when there is little activity around...we're on about 3 acres at the end of the developement so I feel it's pretty safe for her...except for maybe, snakes and other critters. She usually stays on the property and is ready to come back inside after 20 min or so..I hate for her to have to stay inside and she does not like being leashed...there are two small dogs that find their way back here every day...Molly is getting "fixed" this week...
my health...bah-humbug...COPD-????. Chronic, acute wheezing, coughing, weakness...I've seen pulmonary dr...heart dr... been to ER for emergency breathing treatment...steroids...I've had many tests the last couple of months.....
chemical stress test, sonograms, xrays, CTScans, breathing tests, Upper GI...all seems to be in order except for the sinus that were operated on about 20 years ago...It's no longer a cavatity but is full of benign polyps??? which causes chronic infection, etc....will find out Tuesday when I'm scheduled for sinus surgery ...again...
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