Jan 16, 2012


'Half way through January already...my youngest child has reached 50 !...Barbara will be 55 tomorrow...!!!  and we celebrated my 77th. birthday on the 10th...Laura was here for 3 days!!! What a blessing my children are to me!

The three of us went to a Spirited Art class.  Impressionest art is not my favorite thing but it was very nice being able to do something together.

Laura bought me a new computer desk and file cart..and she even got to assemble it herself .. :)

The file cart had to be shipped from the factory ...it arrived after she went back home so I have the pleasure of putting it together...

work in progress as we speak...

The pieces are very heavy and I have to sit in the floor to do it...so progress has been slow...today for sure, tho..

1 comment:

  1. Good heavens, happy super belated birthday! I hope that file cabinet is working out great for you! x0
