May 25, 2012

In the Arms of an angel

In the arms of an Angel, far away from here

From this dark, lonely room, and the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie

In the arms of an Angel; may you find some comfort here


May 17, 2012

Family Tree Picture Wall

My latest (indoor) project...saw this lovely creation on Pinterest...
and I have to try it...


my current "picture wall"

work in progress: pictures down...
projection of my drawing...'think I need to enlarge the trunk some....and I don't know how I will get the shading in the branches as seen on Pinterest...sponge paint??? any suggestions??? anyone???

May 12, 2012

A Message To My Children

a message for my children on this mothers-day eve:

I'm getting older...thank you for having patience with me as I age...

When I repeat myself...thank you for listening anyway..when you were young and wanted something you would sometimes ask over and over
I remember and treasure those memories.

As my body weakens...thank you for not minding that I walk slow,lag behind and slow down your progress... sometimes needing  help from my wheelchair or cane... I remember and treasure the memories of when each of you earned to walk!

Thank you for your assistance in doing all the  "routine" things that I find hard to do for myself..
I can smile as I remember helping you open a bottle or tie your shoes..

I realize that you  understand  I'm alone and lonely most of the time and I'm grateful for how much of your precious-little spare time that you give to me.
For those four of you who live far away...thank you for using your time and resources to see's a long way from Hazel Green, Al. to Dallas and Chicago..

Thank you for my precious grand-and great-grand children..they bring me joy..

As I continually grieve over the loss of your father...thank you for understanding ...each of you suffer the loss of him also.

and when the time comes for me to leave you please don't be too sad...I will be reuniting with the love of my life and I will be with our creator..and I will ask Him to watch over and bless each of you..

because I love you very much.

little girls and make up


It began with Eve's pucker
Her lips stained with berries
Today we glide on Raisin, Corvette red
... And glossy Hawaiian Punch Cherry

O, what is life without its glamour?
Or survival without its glimmer?
Make it work all day, make it last all night
We are naught without its shimmer

Loretta Murphy-Birster

Cara and Molly

Cara was having a difficult time keeping Molly away from her sandwich...

                                                 Cara lowered her right hand...dangerous...

Uh Oh

daughters... two out of three...

Nicki is here from Chicago for 10 days...putting her to work...

I moved the swing from the back yard - where no one ever used it - to the front at the end of the driveway...decided I needed something nicer than the gravel around it so Barb got me some small stones...prettier and smoother...

 they were almost finished unloading it before I remembered to take some pictures..

the finished work...