Sep 30, 2011

Sep 27, 2011

A very special grandmother

Barbara is so good to her fact, she's so good to everyone..Those four little ones are truly blessed to be part of her.  On what little time she has off from work and taking care of her business ..on her day off ..she takes care of them...all four...and she finds time to do  something special with them.. EVERY week. Last week after taking them to the orchard and then preparing supper for eveyone, (which she does at least one day a week) .. she stayed up 'til midnight making "apple cake pops" ...loaded them in three pretty baskets for the boys to take to school the next day..which happened to be "Johnny Appleseed Day"...
...and I get to make videos with the pictures that she takes...:)

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Sep 26, 2011

I Need You

Sep 19, 2011

Worth Reading Again

Part of an April post on

"....Our hearts are so full, and give themselves so completely to what they love ...eventually what we love goes away and we get clobbered.
Try to remember that your beloved is not God. He will die...or you will - one of you will be left alone. The silence on the other end of the relationship makes you wonder if there's anybody there. The banality of your ongoing unpartnered life can make you feel angry and bitter
Love each other well, even if it must be foolishly,  - you will be sorry at the end of your life if your fear of losing love keeps you from ever knowing it, and you will know firsthand that it really is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Accept the kindness of those who see your sorrow, and forgive the blindness of those who cannot.

And then abide with God, after you have lost everything else. So different from the unseen good fairy you may once have thought he was, before your life taught you anything different. So eternally present, so unafraid of your wildest grief or most violent rage....Because your spiritual sense have been changed by your trauma, you now sense things differently. Be patient with yourself as you learn what that way is. And then drink deeply and often at the well."

Sep 13, 2011

I Just Can't Decide...





Sep 8, 2011

A Family Thing

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Sep 4, 2011


I have my hats for sale at Barbara shop...The Gentle Touch Salon and Spa...

                  for 'Bama fans..                        SOLD..but more being made.